This game is a hack of John Harper’s Lasers & Feelings, licensed for use by the CC BY 4.0 license.
此遊戲是修改 John Harper 的 Lasers & Feelings,以 CC BY 4.0 授權使用。
YOU ARE A DUELIST IN AN ANIME SERIES WHERE EVERY DISPUTE IS SETTLED BY A CHILDREN’S CARD GAME. In each season you attempt to dramatically turn the tables when the odds are impossibly stacked against you, deal with inexplicable amounts of occult machinations, and protect what matters most from destruction, even if that just means yourself. THE GOVERNMENT is powerless to intervene for the sake of The Plot, leaving you to save or ruin the world yourselves with extravagant ambitions.
Choose a style for your character: Bitter, Composed, Flamboyant, Noble, Prideful, Reluctant, or Zealous.
Choose a role for your character: Ancient Spirit, Ensemble Hotshot, Obsessive Rival, Plot-Armored Protagonist, Plot-Armored Villain, Sidelined Sidekick, or Wildcard Antagonist. There can only be one Plot-Armored Protagonist; duel to eliminate the competition (and then turn all losers to Plot-Armored Villains).
為你的人物選一種角色:久遠靈魂、群中高手、著迷死敵、被劇情保護的主角、被劇情保護的壞蛋、邊緣幫手、萬變反角。 被劇情保護的主角只能有一個;用決鬥來幹掉對手(然後在把輸者都變成被劇情保護的壞蛋)。
Choose a number for your character between 2 and 5. A high number means you’re better at SHADOWS (cruelty; despair; disconnection; brooding). A low number means you’re better at FRIENDSHIP (tenderness; hope; interconnection; commitment).
為你的人物從 2 到 5 之中選一項數字。高的數量代表你比較會用的手段是幽暗(殘暴;絕望;斷交;憂思)。低的數量代表你比較會用的手段是友情(溫柔;希望;互聯;承諾)。
Give your character a gimmicky anime name, like Hex Captor or Inspector Satsu (インスペクター察).
You have: a signature outfit (that only changes when major shifts happen in the plot), at least one trademark deck (with a playstyle that reflects your personality), and a duel disk (that may or may not be attached to a sick-looking motorcycle).
你擁有: 一套招牌服裝(只會在劇情大變化的時候改)、至少一套特色牌組(有顯示出個性的玩法)、決鬥盤(或許有可能裝在超炫的烏肚䆀上)。
Player goal: Let your character make trouble to advance The Plot.
玩家目標: 讓你的人物搗亂因此發展劇情。
Character goal: Choose one or create your own: Be Exceptional, Meet New Friends, Defeat Your Enemies, Collect Rare Cards, Solve Weird Occult Mysteries, World Domination, or Keep Having Fun (you have nothing to win or lose).
人物目標: 從下列之中選一或自創:出類拔萃、找新朋友、打敗敵人、收集罕貴卡、破解奇怪的魔法之謎、征服世界、繼續好玩 (你不需要輸贏任何東西)。
When a character does something that may open multiple directions for the plot, roll 2d6 to determine how it ends. Roll 3d6 if the character has plot armor.
當某個人物做出可能讓劇情跑向多重方向的事,擲 2d6 來判斷下場。如果人物有被劇情保護,擲 3d6 來判斷。
If you’re using SHADOWS (destruction, acting without support), succeed by rolling under your number.
If you’re using FRIENDSHIP (connection, acting for support), succeed by rolling over your number.
Matching your number counts as a success and grants you plot armor on your next roll (unless you already have it).
Determine what happens based on the number of successes:
When you get stuck, choose or roll 2d6 to determine the next subjects to appear in the story:
當你想不出劇情時,從下列之中選或擲 2d6 來決定會即將出現的主題:
# | SUBJECT 主題 1 | SUBJECT 主題 2 |
1 | Protagonist 主角 | Return 回來 |
2 | Villain 壞蛋 | Intervention 干預 |
3 | Antagonist 反角 | Betrayal 背叛 |
4 | Side Character 配角 | Possession 附身 |
5 | New Character 新角 | Erasure 消除 |
6 | No Character 沒人 | Confession 自白 |
Then, choose at least one of the following questions to answer with the subjects: